Those who enjoy bicycling may be interested in The Bicycle Ride Across Georgia (BRAG). BRAG is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing affordable, family-oriented, quality bicycle tours in and across one of our neighboring states. They emphasizes bicycling safety, fun, and education. Two Tellico Village residents, Nils Johannesen and Grail Brookshire decided to join BRAG for their April 17, 18, and 19 2004 Spring Tune-Up Ride.
The ride originated each day out of the town of Milledgeville, the only town in the United States specifically built as a state capital and the host of two colleges, Georgia Military College (GMC) and Georgia State College and University. The town itself is worth touring, boasting the former capital building of Georgia, and numerous anti-bellum homes. After the Civil War, federal authorities moved the capital to Atlanta to take advantage of better transportation facilities. Milledgeville was never able to get the capital back. Grail’s wife Mary has a nephew who is a long-time resident of Milledgeville and an expert on the history of the town. He gave the Tellico Village visitors a guided tour of the town in the evening after the Friday ride.
The Tellico residents had assumed that central Georgia is rather flat compared to East Tennessee. This turned out not to be true. BRAG organizers managed to find as many hills in Georgia as bike riders encounter around Tellico Lake.
Friday’s ride was listed as “hilly” and offered a choice between distances of 69, 52, and 29 miles. Nils and Grail chose the 52 mile route that ran south to the small village of Gordon and then looped back to Milledgeville. On all rides, rest stops, manned by cadets from GMC, were situated about every 10-15 miles. Rest stops provided snacks, water, and power drinks, and a chance to meet many other riders.
Saturday’s ride was advertised as a “very hilly” 62 miles (turned out to be 64) with an option for a 100 mile ride for those much younger than Nils and Grail. The route crossed the Oconee River to the east, turned southeast to the town of Oconee, continued through Toomsboro, and back north to Milledgeville. The first six miles of this ride covered the steepest hills in the area.
Sunday’s ride offered a choice between 65, 60, and 37 miles to the east of Milledgeville toward Sandersville and return. Grail chose the 37 miles as the wear was beginning to show. Nils chose to make a picture taking tour of Milledgeville and to enjoy some of its history. Sunday’s ride was much less hilly that the other two days except for the last six miles. The ride organizers managed to route us back over the steepest hills from the Saturday ride.
All in all, the rides were great fun, well marked and supported. Entry fees were modest. The country around Milledgeville is lovely, the people friendly, and the weather was excellent. Camp sites and bathing facilities were available for those who wanted them. The Tellico riders opted for a motel with a Jacuzzi tub to work out the soreness each evening.
BRAG sponsors numerous rides throughout the year. Their web site is
In April, 2005 Grail and his oldest son Lee Brookshire joined BRAG for two days of Biking in and around Madison, GA, a classic ante-bellum town in Morgan County. They rode 62 miles on day one and 105 miles on day two. Highlights of the ride included lunch at the Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle, GA and a visit to Bostwick, GA, a small town where Grail spent part of his childhood.